Wolflabs have been carbon neutral since 2017. The off-setting company we use is ClimateCare. All of ClimateCare’s projects are verified to high international standards such as the Gold Standard and Verra VCS. They are a member of an industry standards body (ICROA) and abide by their Code of Best Practice.

As well as taking actions to reduce our footprint, unavoidable emissions will be offset through projects including two world-leading clean cooking projects in Bangladesh and Ghana. These clean cooking projects not only cut carbon emissions, helping to tackle climate change, they also improve lives by halving fuel bills for families and reducing exposure to toxic fumes. Additionally, by cutting fuel requirements, the projects reduce deforestation – protecting precious habitat.

ClimateCare is dedicated to tackling climate change and improving lives. It aims to make our world a climate neutral one – where everyone takes full responsibility for their carbon footprint.

ClimateCare helps organisations take responsibility for their climate impact by financing, developing and managing carbon reduction projects across the world. Based in Oxford and Nairobi, ClimateCare helped create the voluntary carbon market and pioneered carbon finance for community development projects. Some of the largest carbon offsetting programmes in the world are delivered by ClimateCare.

Click here to see our certification from Climate Care.