6 Centrifuge Tips in Line with Sustainability

6 Centrifuge Tips in Line with Sustainability

Wolflabs is committed to halve carbon emissions by 2030, and as many other companies look at ways they can be more sustainable, we have six tips on how to run your centrifuges more sustainably.

 1. Most centrifuges will cope with small rotor imbalances. However, it's worth remembering that the faster you spin the rotor, the more the rotor will distort if it is not correctly balanced. It's worth spending time correctly balancing your centrifuge to maximize the life of both the rotor and the centrifuge.

2. When balancing the rotor don't just use two vessels as this will still distort the rotor.

3. Check the integrity of the lid seal regularly - especially for refrigerated units.

4. Clean the rotor bowl, buckets and inserts regularly but do not use chlorine based detergents as this can corrode metal and strip protective coatings.

5. If plastic components are involved watch out for corrosive compounds such as phenol in any liquids you are spinning.

6. Save money and preserve the life of the compressor on refrigerated units by pre-cooling rotors and buckets in a fridge or freezer.


These tips are suitable for our centrifuge ranges:

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